Welcome to our page of links to other organizations focused on preserving and enhancing our life in Northern Michigan.
The Leelanau Conservancy was established in 1988 to support the preservation of the natural beauty, ecological integrity and the working farms of the Leelanau Peninsula.
MLUI focuses on protecting the environment, strengthening the economy and building community. The non-profit advocacy group collaborates with citizens, government, businesses and organizations.
Administered by the State of Michigan, the Farmland Preservation program works to preserve farmland and open space through a variety of methods including Farmland Development Rights Agreements, Conservation Easement Donations, an Agricultural Preservation Fund, Local Open Sapce Easement, Designated Open Space Easement and the Purchase of Development Rights.
The Grand Traverse Watershed Center advocates for clean water in Grand Traverse Bay and acts to protect its 1,000 square mile watershed, which covers major portions of Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Antrim and Kalkaska Counties.
Dedicated to gathering, preserving and displaying the history of Omena and to presenting educational programs, encouraging historical research and writing and providing a space where members can share knowledge.
The Omena Village Preservation Association focuses on preserving the historical character of downtown Omena through sponsorship of educational and cultural activities to enhance the appreciation of Omena's unique history and by owning, leasing and managing properties that will add to the beauty of the village.
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